We meet on the second Sunday of each month Reid Hall in Boreham Street on the A271. All bikers are welcome.

Below are some photos of open sundays and more


Some photos from the open day on 13th August. Can you spot some interesting protective clothing?

AGM Presentations

Alan Buckmaster awarded Obsever of the Year nominated by Steve Collins, Chief Observer, receives his award from the chairman, Pete Higgins

Dean Ferguson, awarded Rider of the Year nominated by Paul Cornwell, examiner, receives his award from the chairman, Pete Higgins

Chris O’Connor recives the Chairman’s award

Graham Turner receives his F1RST pass certificate from his observer Pete Higgins

Mike Williams receives his F1RST pass certificate

David Critchley receives his test pass. Observer Alex R, Examiner Trevor Scott

Greg Lally gained a F1RST pass. Obsevers Geoff Curtis & Steve Collins, examiner Trevor Scott

Garry Saunders gained a F1RST pass. Observer John Pedder, examiner Trevor Scott

Rememberance Day 12th November.
Trevor Scrase reads a rememberance passage after the 2 minutes silence in memory of those who have lost their lives serving their country

David Clements receives his F1RST test pass from Pete Higgins
Observer Rob Morris, Examiner Trevor Scott

Chris Hollis gained a F1RST pass. Observer Alan Buckmaster

William Edmondson gained a F1RST pass. Observer Ashley Cole, examiner Phil Deloughery

Simon Stemp gained a F1RST pass. Observers Steve Collins and Ashley Cole

Simon Stemp gained a F1RST pass. Observer Mick Shirt, examiner Trevor Scott

Sarah Hall gained a F1RST pass. Observer Rob Morris, examiner Trevor Scott

Sarah Hall gained a F1RST pass. Observer Geoff Curtis

At the desk

Slow Riding

The real workers!