IPSGA is a way of planning your riding that is methodical, safe and releases the potential of the motorcycle. IPSGA stands for Information, Positioning, Speed, Gear and Acceleration. These five phases are explained below:


By constantly Taking, Using and Giving (TUG) information you become in tune with your changing surroundings and therefore, combined with the rest of the system, you are able to use that information to make good decisions in good time.


Are you in the best place to see and be seen and to use what you can see? Changing where you ride on the road can add valuable seconds to your decision-making time and the distance you can see to stop in. Correct positioning based on the changing information around you, gives you more information; more information gives you more options. Do you know where you ride and why?


Good information and positioning will minimise surprises and allow you to make the best progress in any conditions. Anybody can ride fast in a straight line. The system will teach you to carry the correct speed through bends. In traffic, it will allow you to use planned speed to greater effect for safer, smoother overtaking.


Understanding where you are on the road, what is ahead and planning your ride, will lead you to be in the correct gear for the current and oncoming circumstances in good time, providing options. The system will stop you fumbling for the right gear, which could contribute to a missed overtake, going into a corner badly and improving your braking distance. Using more information gives more time, allowing you to plan your riding and be in control of your machine.


The modern motorcycle has many benefits over many other vehicles – more flexibility, better visibility, quicker acceleration and so on. Using the above components of the system will enable you to enjoy these benefits. The system teaches you when to use these advantages to best effect and when to cool it in certain situations. This is one time when you really can’t beat the system! Proved over hundreds of thousands of miles, this is one item of motorcycle kit that can really save your life.


Observed Rides

If you come to one of the Sunday club meetings, we will offer an assessment ride with one of our observers. This takes the form of a pre-brief and chat about the club and the IAM, a short ride about thirty minutes and a de-brief.

When you join the club as an associate, we will allocate you to an observer who will arrange a number of observed rides.

The process during these observed rides is a pre-brief followed by a ride where the observer will follow and perhaps stop during the ride to talk about aspects of your riding.

We follow the guidance produced by the IAM Roadsmart which is based on the police method of motorcycle training.

The Associate

You will receive a portfolio which outlines all the expectations to become an advanced rider. As well as verbal de-briefs, you will find inside your portfolio run sheet that will outline your progress towards passing the IAM Roadsmart advanced riding test. These will be completed after each run by your observer or electronically.

The Test

All tests are carried out by qualified examiners who are class A riders. When your observer deems you to be ready, he/she will refer you to another National Observer (NO) to conduct a pre-test. If you are deemed to be at the required standard the NO will recommend you apply for the test.

National Observers

All of our National Observers have completed both theory and practical training delivered within the club. They have been assessed by an independent IAM Assessor. The qualification is recognised by the Institute of Motor Industries (IMI). All of our National Observers take part in annual reviews to ensure we continue to deliver to the highest standards. National Observers are re assessed every 5 years.